Sunday, February 3, 2008



Ingrids Sister'' Farc is not a Terrorist Organization''
Dede Geneva said Ingrid's to sister, Astrid Betancourt. “the FARC is not a terrorist group, are a rebel rebellious group against the Colombian State ". “the FARC is not to terrorist group, to rebel group plows taken up arms against the Colombian state. “ ” We will not march, know perfectly that this one is a day organized by the own Colombian Government and his friends ". “We will not leave; we know perfectly well that this is to conference organized by the Colombian government and its friends. “
The organization of the call “marches against the kidnapping ", anticipated next the 4 of February in several Colombian cities, does not lack contradictions because she will be made without the presence of the relatives of the retained ones by the guerrilla of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (the FARC). The organization of the under-called “march against kidnapping,” scheduled for next February 4 in several Colombian cities, is not without contradictions therefore sees conducted without the presence of the families of those held by the guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (the FARC).
The compatible means of to the paramilitaries already the disinformation try unfruitfully' to summon' to the Colombian town to a march against the FARC. The mass related to paramilitarism and misinformation trying unsuccessfully to “call” the Colombian people to march against the FARC. After one week of uribista equipment the things take the true course, is not more than desperately looking for popular endorsement to be perpetuated the crime organized in the House of `Narquiño'. After to week of paraphernalia real Uribe camp things take the course, is just desperately seeking popular backing for organized crime perpetuated in the House “Narquiño”.
Meanwhile, the main leaders of the paramilitary United Self-defense of Colombia (AUC), organizations with ample criminal handbook supposedly demobilized, showed their support to the manifestation through an official notice and everything seems to indicate that they will participation in the mobilization of Monday. Meanwhile, the main leaders of the paramilitary United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), organizations with extensive criminal record supposedly demobilized, expressed support for the demonstration through to communiqué and everything seems to indicate that will participation in mobilizing Monday.
The relatives confirmed this Friday who will not assist to the march promoted by mass media and the Colombian Government. Relatives confirmed Friday that wills not asisitrán the march promoted by the average and by the Colombian Government. In return, they have decided to meet he himself day in a liturgical day, during which they will say “by La Paz and the liberation” of the retained ones. In return, they decided to meet the same day in a day liturgy, during which read “for peace and liberation “of detainees.
“The high-priority thing for us is the life of our wanted beings, and we continued pleading for the humanitarian agreement ", commented Marleny Orjuela, president of the Colombian Association of Relatives of Members of the Public Force Retained and Released by Guerrilla detachments (Asfamipaz). “The priority for U.S. is the lives of our loved ones, and we continues to advocate for the humanitarian agreement, “said Marleny Orjuela, president of the Colombian Association of Family Members of the security forces and Retained Released by Groups guerrillas (Asfamipaz).
Orjuela, emphasized that in Asfamipaz “we are in against of the kidnapping, against all the forms of violence, against the war, comes from where it comes ". Orjuela, Asfamipaz pointed out that “we plows against the kidnapping, against all forms of violence, against to war, to wherever it you eat from. “
Several relatives have expressed who this march could be counter-productive for the liberation of the retained ones. Several relatives have expressed that this march could sees counterproductive for the release of detainees. Nevertheless, Orjuela needed that “never we have had no threat so that we march or we do not march ". However, Orjuela pointed out that “we have to never had any threats to leave or not leave. “
In spite of the cruel reality of the deprived families of their dear beings and in the middle of a strong politicalization of the event, the organizers of the manifestation were contented with calling to march “against the FARC ", leaving of side the reinvindicación in the humanitarian agreement. Cruel Despite the reality of families deprived of to their loved ones and in the midst of to strong politicization of the event, the organizers of the demonstration were content to call to march “against the the FARC”, eschewing reinvindicación humanitarian agreement.
Ello pese a que el clamor de las familias afectadas cobró ímpetu tras la liberación de Clara Rojas y Consuelo González, en un gesto unilateral de las FARC como "desagravio" a la mediación del presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, a quien su homólogo Álvaro Uribe retiró abruptamente de su labor humanitaria. This despite the clamor of the affected families gathered momentum after the release of Clara Rojas and Consuelo Gonzalez, in a unilateral gesture by the FARC as "atonement" for the mediation of the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, who withdrew his counterpart Alvaro Uribe sharply from their humanitarian work.
La revista bogotana Semana señaló este viernes en su portal web que "la marcha fue convocada por un grupo de jóvenes que se declara autónomo y no está 'ni a favor de Uribe', con su iniciativa militarista contra las FARC, 'ni a favor del intercambio humanitario', como solución al problema de la liberación por los secuestrados". Bogotana Week magazine reported Friday on its Web site that "the march was called by a group of youths who were declared autonomous and is not 'either for Uribe', with its militaristic initiative against the FARC, 'nor in favour of humanitarian exchange ", as a solution to the problem of releasing the hostages".
Modificado el ( domingo, 03 de febrero de 2008 ) Last Updated (03 2008)

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