Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Interview of Farc Commander Ivan Marquez

Automatically Translated from Spanish
Colombians are not prisoners or hostages of allegiance to this government

Interview of ANNCOL and PBL Ivan Marquez

Member of the Secretariat of the FARC-EP

In Last March Raul Reyes,A member of Secretariat of Farc,and some fighters gunned down in Ecuadorian territory along with some visitors of peace. . A few days later, on 7 March, by the hands of an enemy agent infiltrated the ranks of the Northwest Block, was atrociously killed, next to his partner, Commander Ivan Rios, also a member of the highest executive of Staff Central insurgency. It Indudable that these events have attracted a new situation for the development of political confrontation, military and social Colombian, in the first case generates commitment and diplomatic destabilization in Latin America and in the second, as also happens in the first touches appreciably strategic management structures within the guerrillas oldest and experienced on the continent. On these and other important issues such as the exchange of prisoners, the illegitimacy of the government and the structural crisis of the state, dialogue with the Commander Ivan Marquez, a member of the national secretariat of the FARC-EP.

What is the balance that makes the Directorate insurgent regard to the unfortunate deaths of commanders Raul Reyes and Ivan Rios, as celebrated by the Colombian oligarchy, at a time when the FARC-EP, through unilateral gestures and despite the intransigence Uribe camp, been showing its willingness to reach a humanitarian agreement for the exchange to open paths to peace?

It has been a very hard blow and has shaken up the soul. These two commanders valuable, as are all fighting for the cause of the poor of the earth. It hurts that Raul has fallen while seeking avenues for the humanitarian exchange, which saw step in the direction of peace with social justice. With perfidy Uribe took advantage of this circumstance to plan with the assistance of the United States and Israel celada the criminal. The death of Ivan is as a record of historical degradation of the war that governs the actions of the State. Cortarles the hands of opponents killed… It is the brutality of the Colombian regime, not now, but forever. Also short break heads and their victims. The jubilation of triunfalista oligarchies lasts an instant. The social discontent is increasing the volume of fire of your anger. The death of Raul, Ivan and many others, is not a victory for the opponent is a mirage. The FARC are not one, not two, not three, or five commanders, or several columns… are people with an irrepressible yearning for victory. The day of the general uprising will be seen clearly that the town is on the FARC and the FARC are the people in arms. Commanders virtuous in the political and military fields as Joaquin Gomez and Mauricio Jaramillo has taken the place of the fallen by ensuring a cohesive Central Staff around the Commander-in-Chief, the Strategic Plan for the FARC, the Bolivarian Platform for the New Colombia …, and the banner of peace with social justice tremola at the top of the mountain guerrilla. Our dead are still living in guns and the political and social project of the FARC. In their graves today a cache arizá red flower, which only grow in the mountains of Colombia rebels, Bolivar. Venceremos. There will be New Colombia, Patria Grande and Socialism. The President of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe Velez has offered guarantees for a medical mission organized by the French government to attend POWs deep in the jungle.

Have they been consulted with respect to the FARC?

Not. That is something we are not counting riding with the FARC. The success of a venture of this nature can not be left in the hands of excessive enthusiasm. Uribe said that ensures guaranteed… Do what? Is it insurgent spokesman? ... Not missing more! The designated by the Secretariat of the FARC to talk with the government delegation was the French commander Raul Reyes, but as everyone knows, Raul was killed in a military attack from the governments of Colombia and the United States in Ecuadorian territory, in flagrant violation of sovereignty and international law. This is the reason why the French government has been unable to contact the FARC. That is a result of the devious fatal attack, there is now a partner of the FARC for that purpose.

But the Catholic Church has urged the FARC Secretariat to appoint rapidly replacing Raul Reyes…

With all due respect, the outstanding purpurados believe that this is like blowing and bottles. What has happened with the murder of Raul Reyes and Ivan Rios is extremely serious. A person with four fingers in front means that you can not, in these circumstances, neither act nor require so blithely, as if nothing had happened. The FARC are not dance to the media campaigns or mediations biased. Diplomacy santanderista government in Bogotá kills while smiling. Killer our spokesmen and then said he was willing to talk. He argues that facilitates the humanitarian agreement and orders the same time the military rescue, fire and blood of prisoners in the mountains. Extradite guerrillas to the United States and then demands that the three gringo prisoners by the FARC, they must be released. It talks about humanity and its government is mounted on thousands of mass graves and massacres. It is proud of its "democratic security", which is the gringos, but more than 30 million Colombians-44 - live in poverty. Practice every day State terrorism and has the shamelessness of this condition endorsing his opponents. This is an administration so as Don Vito Corleone mafia and the media have the audacity to label the guerrillas of drug traffickers. Not. Not. Public opinion is not candor in bloom, much less the FARC guerrillas. They should read more carefully the pages of the history of the People's Army, which teaches that when the FARC attacks mansalveros receive as Casa Verde, the system inevitably gets a response worthy commensurate with the gravity of the facts.

The defense minister Juan Manuel Santos has described the attack to Ecuador as a legitimate action of war and the Commander of the Armed Forces, General Fredy Padilla de Leon, says that anyone who meets with the FARC automatically becomes military target…

There are painted. They act in line with the office that the gringos have mounted in the former Panama Canal Zone to monitor with the eight agencies of the American intelligence, Colombia's borders with Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama, depending on fuel and justify an eventual armed conflict between nations, as part of the geopolitical strategy of Washington. With what was said by General Fredy Padilla de Leon, one wonders if he had said the same thing, if instead of the Mexican students and citizens of Ecuador, had been reunited with Raul delegates from the French government. It is they, the government and his generals, believe that their hypocritical fight against what they call biased "terrorism" justifies all its outrages and transgressions. And as for the defense minister Juan Manuel Santos, a single thought: said with infinite arrogance, but with an eye fixed on the 2010 and the Presidency of the Republic, if the attack to justify war in Colombia against Ecuador, called "Falcon of war", which will continue calling then "Falcon of war". The problem is that the oligarchy señorito barely reaches cowardly halconcillo behind a desk, which did not even know what it smells gunpowder. It is what azuzan to war but not expose their skin in the line of fire, as it must do some soldiers and junior officers. While it appears smiling before microphones and cameras with the "V" for victory that does not belong to him, and that have failed, are also disappearing from his memory soldiers dead and maimed. More than hawk, has the appearance and the flight of a sparrowhawk pollero. To say the country ..

Computers seized, according to the Colombian government to Raul Reyes, and rescued from a devastating bombing seem rather a dossier of Bogota and Washington in order to blackmail the governments of Venezuela and Ecuador and to mitigate the resistance of the peoples of our America to the Are… imperial policy can give you some level of credibility to what they are spreading their contents?

At a liar as the government of Uribe Velez not can be given any credence neither here nor Cafarnaúm. The lie is the spearhead of its ugly diplomacy. Hence its total isolation in the comity of nations in Latin America. If it will take a couple of accomplices, but never friends. Mintió when he spoke of hot pursuit. Mintió and continues lying when he says that the guerrillas fired from Ecuador. Mentez when he says that the FARC receive weapons and $ Venezuela. They have received-and not be assured-and would have scuppered a thousand times that government pútrido of Bogota which hits against the people through the "democratic security", which in the long run is "investor security" as the confessed Uribe himself in Guajira. Mentez when he says that the signing of the FTA will be the redemption social Colombia, when in fact it shackles of modern slavery. We can not believe a liar and a terrorist government describes as a terrorist when the fight for the weak. Goebbels himself is caught in the Palacio de Nariño. What really must generate alarm in the ethical conscience of Our America is that nobody say anything before the criminal assistance from Washington in millions and millions of dollars and weapons to the government fascist and narco-paramilitary in Colombia to torch the country with an unjust war, as are all those who intend oppression and plundering. It is incumbent upon the court of the people judging this criminal policy. To the people of Colombia has the sacred universal right to stand against oppression and shake off the yoke that holds hunched his neck. The government in Bogota hates Chavez for his boldness to deploy in the midst of the storm of war of the powerful, the banner of peace because it ruins their business. Chavez is Our America to the new Ayacucho. It Bolivar, his political and social stands out in this aurora, who fear the oligarchies and the rule. And Correa its image frightens them dignity they agiganta next to the hero Alfaro and Marshal of Ayacucho illuminating the path to the peoples of the continent. For peace with social justice, decency and unity in a Great Nation of Republics, we are ready to give up their lives. And these are not words to the wind.

Do you think it necessary to recall Congress for its high degree of contamination to the political and electoral fraud?

It is the dignity that can not live with the illegitimacy. Colombians are not prisoners or hostages of allegiance to this government. A powerful social cry is rafagueando with their sparks outrage the sky of the illegitimacy of the institutions. For something Uribe expressed sharp disagreement with the revocation of Congress and called desperate to strengthen institutions, because he knows that if the Congress falls, after falling roar should also chaired the Executive infectious. This truth is not like the sun can cover with their hands or with lies. Uribe was elected President of Colombia with the same votes that led Congress to Senators and Representatives of the narco-for-politics. Uribe is there thanks to the electoral fraud that armed paramilitaries and DAS (State Security) forced to vote for him at gunpoint and chainsaw, and started to cover up the dead. The so-called institutional Colombian hiede. Uribe and Congress must resign because his mandate usurped is illegitimate and illegal. Colombia needs a great national agreement for peace, true democracy and dignity. The call of our manifesto to meet in a single beam forces of change, as a new alternative power, should open space. To halt the horrible night. Colombia deserves another government to give it the greatest possible amount of happiness.

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